Pecking Order: NFL Logos

  I think my favorite blog post I've done was my rating list for MLB logos. So as I'm starting it up again I thought a good way to get me back into it would be another logo rating list. The NFL was the obvious choice, because I already did MLB and the crop of NBA logos is a joke. As far as getting me back into writing the blog, I was right, I wrote a lot. I'm warning you, this is a long one. I put a lot of effort into writing it, and secondary links throughout. Some of those extra links are really worth it though. Dallas Cowboys, do not skip the links for the Cowboys. If you can get through it all, bravo, and thank you. Hope you enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed putting it together. 

First up, in shock here.

32. Washington Redskins
Creativity-1 Quality-1 Colors-1 Identity-1 Classic-1

There is nothing creative or quality about this racist logo. Now, if I'm rating racist logos this one isn't as bad as the incredibly offensive cartoon the Cleveland Indians still use. At least they are slowly taking steps to move away from it, which if you read my MLB logo list you know I ranted about that as well. Just drop it, and move on. Daniel Snyder has been so defiant in changing the logo, it somehow makes me hate it more. Stubborn racism aside, this is just a terrible logo all the way around. The feathers on the back of the circle make no sense. There is more detail in those feathers than on the characters face. Did I mention it's crazy racist?

31. Tennessee Titans
Creativity-2 Quality-1 Colors-1 Identity-1 Classic-1

This logo got one point more than Redskins. It takes an awful logo to accomplish that. That extra point was for creativity for the way the logo incorporates the Tennessee flag, but even that's eh at best. The shield and that crazy T, the Tennessee ball with stars, and those flames, what are those flames?!? The Titans only spent one season as the Tennessee Oilers after moving from Houston. I fully supported the change, and creating a new identity, but the one they created is atrocious. The logo, the helmet, and the identity it creates with the uniforms is very 90's Arena Football league. They are do for a serious re-brand, but with what Nike has been doing, the result may be even worse. More on that soon enough.

30. St. Louis Rams
Creativity-2 Quality-1 Colors-1 Identity-2 Classic-1

The Rams shocked everyone when they reached Super Bowl 34 where they joined the previously mentioned Titans, making for easily the ugliest matchup in Super Bowl history. The Rams still had their old look, and even next to the mess that was the Titans they looked like a DII college team. Mismatched colors, iron jersey numbers, terrible striping, and helmet horns that didn't fit the helmet properly. They were in need of an upgrade and they switched to this little guy the very next season. I have to assume someone spent a weekend with clip-art and paint when they came up with this. The Rams get a couple extra points for getting the helmet horns into the logo, and maintaining the identity that helmet creates, but they are another team in need of an upgrade. With a move to Los Angeles looming, I would imagine some type of revamp modern update of their classic look is coming. Which most Rams fans will be stoked to see their yellow return, because how did no one notice they switched to their rival 49ers gold??

29. Miami Dolphins
Creativity-1 Quality-1 Colors-4 Identity-1 Classic-1

So after three straight logos in need of a re-brand we come to our lowest ranked team that has recently received a new image. The Dolphins were among the first teams to receive the Nike treatment in 2013, and this was the result. The classic dolphin in a football helmet was replaced with this "action shot" which looks more like a plane than a dolphin. Is it jumping out of water, swimming, belly flopping? The entire identity and classic factor of the Dolphins was downgraded with this new brand. The only points this logo gets is for color scheme. So many teams have run from teal, but the teal, orange and new darker blue are perfect for this team and the city of Miami. They are getting a new stadium, so maybe some tweaks will come with it. Bringing back some of the orange would be a good start.

 28. Cleveland Browns
Creativity-1 Quality-1 Colors-1 Identity-3 Classic-3

The Browns stuck with the tradition of disappointing their fans, after a hyping their logo change only to unveil this. Now, let's be clear I love the Browns helmet, always have. If you haven't figured it out, I love classic looks. I tend to prefer college for this reason, and what is more college than a logo less helmet? The only one in the NFL, and Cleveland was smart enough to realize this is a classic element, part of their identity, and did not need to be changed. The reason this logo is so terrible is because, well it's just a helmet, and a terribly drawn one at that, worse than the previous one. The helmet is a mixture of 3D and 2D, which if you really look closely will make you angry. Changing the face mask to brown is fine, but executing it in this logo with a white outline makes it a mess. As far as colors, you may hear a lot of people comparing the new uniforms to something Bowling Green might wear. Well, there's a reason for that. The Browns are not named after the color, but rather the team's first own Paul Brown. In the team's first season, they were practicing at the BGSU facilities. While trying to come up with an identity, Brown and his peeps simply looked at Bowling Green's color scheme and said, "just use that". Another 2 year project by Nike results in team's classic image destroyed.

27. Atlanta Falcons
Creativity-4 Quality-2 Colors-2 Identity-2 Classic-1

After two failed re-brands, we're back to a team who needs one, but with the template and lack of tradition the Falcons currently have I worry Nike would have way too much creative freedom, and that is never a good thing. As far as creative logos, this one is actually a cool concept. The Falcon forms an F, or at least it is suppose to. Hence why I rate it so low. The logo is so poorly done. Many people do not even notice the F, did you? Making the bird into the F also distorts the bird so much it doesn't even look like a Falcon. Seriously, what's with the head? This logo and identity is very much Michael Vick era to me, and Atlanta needs to move on from that. The Falcons are moving into a very cool new stadium, they just need a very cool logo to go with it.

26. New England Patriots
Creativity-1 Quality-1 Colors-4 Identity-4 Classic-2

This was a hard one for me. I had to separate the team's recent era of success from the logo itself. It terms of the logo design itself, it's awful. The Patriot head, with hat, that is apparently on fire, and face that looks like a mask is brutal. The star in the middle sticks out like a sore thumb to me, always has, I can't stand it. Not every team can pull of the Red, White and Blue, but the Patriots can. The logo does carry an identity with it, and the Patriots represent a region of America, not just a city, and they do it well. A lot of that has to do with how good the team has been, because I am sure minus Tom Brady I would hate this logo more. I don't know if they could do a complete re-brand, but some well executed tweaks, like this, could do wonders.

25. Cincinnati Bengals
Creativity-1 Quality-1 Colors-4 Identity-5 Classic-1

This was a polarizing logo for me. I want to praise them because they were able to take Tigers, the most overused nickname/mascot in sports and create an identity that is very much the Bengals. They are also able to pull off the near impossible feat of using black and orange, but not feeling like Halloween. The stripes from the helmet, which may be my favorite helmet in the NFL (ooh another list), have made their way into this logo, which does a lot for my ranking in terms of identity. However at the end of the day the logo is just a B with tiger stripes. The Bengals actually had one of the best logos in the NFL, and then switched to this in 2004. A switch back and they become top 5.

24. Buffalo Bills
Creativity-1 Quality-1 Colors-2 Identity-4 Classic-4

If I hadn't actually done a point system I think this logo would have actually been farther down the list. The team is named after Buffalo Bill Cody, a famous wild west figure who killed a bunch of bison to feed railroad workers. The logo is a buffalo, the animal, for the name of the city. and because the guy they are named after killed a bunch of them. It's stupid, it doesn't make any sense. What is the red thing coming out of its head?? Apparently the link was the team was owned by the Frontier Oil Company, so they liked the idea of Buffalo Bill being a frontier man from the west. Even though the team is in upstate New York. The Bills also are cliche with the go to red, white, and blue. However, they recently switched back to a more classic streamlined look that fits the logo better. So I hate the logo itself, but it is a definite brand, and a definite classic so it gets points for that.

23. Philadelphia Eagles
Creativity-2 Quality-4 Colors-2 Identity-3 Classic-2

Opposite of the Bills, I would have guessed this logo would have rated higher for me. Now it is just an animal head, so not much for creativity, but a very well done one. The Eagles did a great job when they re-branded in 1996 (it's been that long!) of updating, but keeping the tradition of the past. Their best feature, the wings on the helmet stayed, but it was updated to more closely match this new logo. It's time now for another similar update. The one mistake the Eagles made was going away from the kelly green color, a mistake they realize and are correcting. Based on that leak it doesn't look like any other updates will happen with the color change, but the color change is a great move either way.

22. Carolina Panthers
Creativity-2 Quality-3 Colors-4 Identity-3 Classic-1

Another animal head, but with a recent tweak it is far better than the original logo they came into the league with in 1995. The team name Panthers is a result of the 90's fad of just naming your team a fierce animal with no connection to your region, just like the teams expansion sibling the Jaguars. Not changing it, but making it smoother, bolder, and a slightly more realistic cartoon was a good move. No more disconnected jaw, however it looks like he may have something in his left eye now. For an animal head logo, I am slightly bothered by the fact it is more an awkwardly severed body, but not bothered enough to hate it. The use of Carolina blue and black to create an identity for the Panthers is awesome, and even though I'd say it could use some changes, I don't know what would those would be. It's not awful, but could be better.

21. New York Giants
Creativity-1 Quality-2 Colors-2 Identity-4 Classic-5

This one gets a huge boost from the classic factor. A New York team (based in Jersey) with NY for a logo? Who would have thought? Obviously, not creative, but a clear identity. This logo is New York Giants, and they made the switch to their classic look right before it was cool to do so. Does that make them NFL hipsters? I actually prefer the logo without the red outline, like the one used on their helmet, but this is technically the primary. I want to hate it more, but when paired with the entire uniform this is classic logo, part of a classic look. So it gets a boost despite being bland, predictable, and red, white and blue. 

20. San Diego Chargers
Creativity-2 Quality-2 Colors-5 Identity-4 Classic-2

The Chargers made a brand revamp in the 2007 season, and executed the modern classic update fairly well. The big win in this logo was the addition of the powder blue. It may not be intimidating, but I don't know if there is a better look than this logo on a white helmet with the Chargers powder blue jerseys. It's not crazy creative, it's a lightning bolt, and an arching one at that. It's cool though, and sometimes that's enough. The Chargers are likely headed to LA soon, but I don't know if they will make any crazy changes. A lot of fans are apparently asking for an update of the old horse and shield logo,but in a division with the Broncos and Raiders, I think that would be a huge step back. They have a clear identity now, switching to a weird combo of your rivals would be bizarre. 

19. Kansas City Chiefs
Creativity-3 Quality-3 Colors-1 Identity-4 Classic-4

This is the part of the list where there is less and less separation between logos. The Chiefs are #21, but realistically I could justify moving it into the top 10. The logo is the common interlocking letters of the home city, but I like the font and inside the arrowhead it's really cool. The team has a clear identity and this logo is a classic. They have been quiet for a long time, but there is no NFL without the Chiefs. This logo also shows that there is a way to have a team name with Native American connotation, but not offend. So why is it lower? Yellow. This logo doesn't show it, but the team strongly features red and yellow, easily the worst color combo in sports. If the logo had the yellow I would hate it. I love it without the yellow, but it's like they are keeping a secret from me. If the Chiefs eliminated the yellow completely I would be happy, but from what I've heard every Chiefs fan would be furious. So I'm sure it will stay.  

18. Houston Texans
Creativity-5 Quality-3 Colors-4 Identity-2 Classic-1

This logo is very different from the rest. Houston received an expansion team in 2002 after the Oilers left for Tennessee. I still don't understand why this happens so much? Team needs new stadium. Team doesn't get new stadium/ Team moves to new city. City approves new stadium. City gets new team. Anyway, the obvious choice would have been to get the Oilers moniker back, but instead of fighting with the Titans, Houston established a new identity as the Texans, white helmet though. Except, it's not new. The Dallas Texans were actually first, until they moved to Kansas City and became the Chiefs. The throwback game between Dallas was pretty sick. What this logo lacks in identity, it makes up for with execution. In the way the Falcons logo is trying to be creative, but fails, this one is done perfect. A longhorn, made to look like a T, perfectly incorporating the Texas flag. This is a situation where if red, white, and blue fit, and are done right, it can be an awesome logo. I'd like to see the logo used better, and better identity in terms of uniforms, but overall this is pretty cool.

17. Jacksonville Jaguars
Creativity-4 Quality-4 Colors-4 Identity-2 Classic-1

Nike completely re-branded all of the Florida teams in quick order, and unlike the simple Dolphins, the Jags got a pretty radical makeover. Most of which, is hideous if you ask me. The gradient helmet could be ok, but it is done poorly. The gold looks like it just stops, and matte black begins. The best part to come out of that Nike re-brand is this new logo. So we're obviously looking at a cartoon animal head, not an original idea. This one however has the perfect balance of animated realism and fierceness. The teal is an awesome touch. It's somehow done in a way that seeing a tongue, nose, and eye that color doesn't look weird. If the rest of the Jags looked as good as this logo it would rate much higher. 

16.  Arizona Cardinals
Creativity-3 Quality-4 Colors-3 Identity-2 Classic-3

Oh look, an animal head. This logo isn't great in any category, but it's not bad in any either. The Cardinal head got a subtle upgrade in 2005, and it was perfect in every way. The bolder lines and new angle made a fiercer looking bird, better for football, less like the Cardinals of baseball. The color was changed slightly, to be more of a cardinal red, more like Stanford. This logo on the white helmet, with a gray face mask, is a classic look for a team that doesn't really feel classic. These Cardinals have taken a little bit from the other Cardinals, so they lose some identity credit. It is really well done though, not great but not bad. Which is why it is in the middle of the rankings.

15. New York Jets
Creativity-2 Quality-2 Colors-4 Identity-4 Classic-4

Generally speaking, I hate this logo. I was shocked it ended up this high. A New York logo with NY in it, in a football shaped green oval, and an ugly football. An oh so hideous football. The Jets, like their Meadowlands brothers made a switch to a more classic look, and may have been the first to do so? I'd have to research that more. This is where the logo gets a huge boost. This logo on that white helmet, with the white and dark green uniforms is a sick classic look. There is a clear Jets identity, classic and brand recognition lifts this basic logo.

14. Denver Broncos
Creativity-3 Quality-3 Colors-4 Identity-3 Classic-3

Denver received one of the first Nike upgrades in 1997, just in time for John Elway to win the Super Bowl in the new duds. A look that still doesn't look right to me. Elway was the old look. The change was pretty radical at the time, and not very well accepted. As time has gone on, and more teams have gotten far more radical looks, this is one of the few 90's logos to really sustain and be somewhat timeless. It is a cartoon animal head, so no bonus points for that. If you know me, or have read anything I've written like this you know I love blue and orange together. The Broncos recently made the right decision by switching their home jerseys back to the classic orange, which makes the logo and whole brand look better to me. It's a nice blend of the past and this not so new look. Denver could use an upgrade, further bridging the past and modern, but for now this one isn't too bad.

13. Dallas Cowboys
Creativity-2 Quality-3 Colors-2 Identity-4 Classic-5

The star. Mathematically, one of the coolest shapes, and something I could go on about for quite awhile. The angles, the lines, it's amazing. As far as logos go though, it's incredibly simple. That being said, you can show this logo to anyone, sports fan or not, and they know this is the Dallas Cowboys logo. Pretty impressive to take a star, and create that much brand recognition for it. If Dallas ever decides to make the jerseys and pants match the helmet, I might not hate this logo as much. Seriously, the mismatching blue, and gray vs silver is awful. It drives me insane. This logo is an absolute classic though, and is never changing.

12. Baltimore Ravens
Creativity-4 Quality-2 Colors-4 Identity-4 Classic-2

The Cleveland Browns moved to Baltimore and needed a new nickname, as they had to leave the team brand behind for a possible expansion team. The team chose the Ravens, which seems odd at first, but it is oddly perfect. The name comes from the poem by Edgar Allen Poe who was from Baltimore. The football team, also now shares a bird name with it's city partner baseball team, the Orioles. This was not the team's original logo, after three seasons they were forced to make the switch, because the original creator of the logo proved quite easily that team had stolen his design. Ironically, this worked out for the team because this logo is so much better. Yes, they made the switch to an animal head, but this bird is super cool. The purple and gold are an awesome look, and one no one else shares. The idea of the bird, with the B is cool, but it isn't that great of drawing. Still, the color scheme, name, and image of the previous logo always looming, make this a pretty logo.

11. New Orleans Saints
Creativity-3 Quality-3 Colors-2 Identity-5 Classic-4

The old gold fleur-de-lis is an image that can be found in French lore, religious materials, on the side of motorcycles, weird leggings, and almost anywhere people like lilies. Yet, this logo screams New Orleans Saints. The entire city is represented by this logo and it fits them perfect. This logo became the primary in 2000, changing from the black version that still appears on the helmet. This was a way to bring the gold in more. A good move, but for some reason I just don't like it as much. When I think of New Orleans I think of bright colors and fun, and this is such a bland color gold. Aside from that criticism, this logo is the perfect example of being classic and representing the region you play in. 

10. Indianapolis Colts
Creativity-1 Quality-2 Colors-4 Identity-5 Classic-5

You find a loyal football fan in his 50's or older and he'll tell you he still thinks of the Baltimore Colts. It doesn't get much simpler than this blue horseshoe. A flat blue image with some small white holes. Yet, it's awesome. The classic white and blue the Colts have never wavered from is timeless. As boring as this logo is, it can never change. Great players look even better when they rock this logo on their helmet. When Andrew Luck was drafted by the Colts, one of my first thoughts was how perfect this logo would be for him. Some teams have that effect. Somehow the team fits a player, the player fits the team. It's the history of the logo and the uniform. The aura that surrounds them. The Colts are one of those teams, and pretty much the rest of the top 10 is too.

9. Minnesota Vikings
Creativity-3 Quality-3 Colors-4 Identity-5 Classic-3

4 of the next 5 teams are going to be from the NFC North. So I guess they are the best logo division in football? The Vikings got the Nike upgrade with the Dolphins and Jaguars, but they went from a more bizarre look to a modern classic upgrade. Very un-Nike, but very well done. This logo got a few tweaks with bolder lines, more realism, and less cartoon like hair. The purple was changed back to something most Vikings fans recognized as their Viking purple. Those horns, which adorn their very cool helmet complete a very cool and specific identity. Like I said with the Colts, players like John Randle, Cris Carter, Randy Moss, and more recently Adrian Peterson were somehow cooler when they wore Vikings colors.

8. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Creativity-5 Quality-5 Colors-4 Identity-3 Classic-2

Here is the perfect example of me rating the logo, and not the entire uniform set. Tampa was the third and final Florida team to get Nike treatment and oh did they get Nike treatment. What is with those alarm clock numbers? Hideous jerseys aside, this logo is badass. Nike cleaned up their previous logo, the only logo they've had other than winking gay pirate Bucco Bruce. Not that there's anything wrong with that. The better looking skull, the cleaner lines on the flag, the bolder red, and even the orange in the football were all awesome upgrades. This logo is both creative and perfectly executed. If it had translated better to a complete identity I may have even rated it higher. Still, it is one of the highest rated non-classic logo on this list. 

7. San Francisco 49ers
Creativity-1 Quality-3 Colors-5 Identity-5 Classic-5

The next few logos all have the same exact score, and share some very similar characteristics. Aside from the floating animal head logo, the football shaped letter logo is the next popular. So low for creativity, but high for everything else. 49ers refers to the year of the gold rush, so it's only appropriate gold makes an appearance. Gold actually wasn't apart of the logo until 1996 when the Niners jumped on the unnecessary black train. Adding the gold was a good move, but a switch to burgundy was not. In 2009 San Fran switched back to their classic look, but kept the newer logo. Simply changing the red back, and creating a perfect logo. The color scheme fits, there's no denying the identity of the Niners, and the logo is a classic. A classic logo they almost got rid of for this in 1991. Seriously.

6. Green Bay Packers
Creativity-1 Quality-3 Colors-5 Identity-5 Classic-5

Ok, so it's just a G in an oval, but it was the first one. Sorry, it's true. Georgia and Grambling started using their slightly different G with permission from the Packers. And sorry Tiki Barber, it does not stand for "greatness". It's a football shaped G, and that's all. It is however, one the best logos in football. Keep in mind from this point on there is not very much separation in terms of score. This logo gets a huge boost for its color scheme, which is oh so perfect for Green Bay, Wisconsin. The nostalgia that surrounds this logo, Lambeau Field and the players who have worn it make it one of the best ever.

5. Chicago Bears
Creativity-1 Quality-3 Colors-5 Identity-5 Classic-5

I could be pretty repetitive, as this logo is rated identically to the Green Bay Packers. And for good reason, they are very similar and essentially linked in history. The logo is simple outlined C. The logo gets the same boost for history and color scheme. The Bears all blue helmet, with just this logo on it, is timeless. Dick Butkus, Walter Payton, and Brian Urlacher were perfect fits for the Bears look. There is nothing more classic NFL than a Packers-Bears matchup. The Bears get the slight edge in this one. Why? Because. Blue and orange. That's why.

4. Detroit Lions
Creativity-2 Quality-4 Colors-5 Identity-4 Classic-4

Proof that you do not have to be a successful franchise to have an awesome logo. The Lions have been much better in recent years, but losing was long associated with teams logo. The team got one of those modern classic upgrades in 2009, and man was it perfect. Gone was the Lions very boring outline of a poorly designed and misshapen lion. A new stronger, more defined, and meaner looking lion was introduced. What stayed was the Lions awesome Honolulu blue color. The Lions, like many teams, got on the unnecessary black bandwagon in the 2000's, and a lot of that was tamed back with this new logo and uniform set. Some of it still remains, and I think the elimination of black could make the Lions identity even better. For what's worth, this team with no Super Bowl appearances has one of the best and most classic logos in the NFL, and possibly the coolest color.

3. Seattle Seahawks
Creativity-4 Quality-4 Colors-5 Identity-5 Classic-2

The Seattle Seahawks were the first team given the Nike treatment. The changes were released when the NFL held an event showing off all 32 teams new jerseys when Nike became the official outfitter. There were lots of rumors of crazy drastic changes coming, but Seattle was the only one where it was true. The Seahawks had a muddled identity in the decade prior, and as drastic as the changes were, it made a clear identity for the Seahawks. The rebrand was elaborate, but every change made, subtle or drastic, was on point. The Seahawks are the goal Nike has each time they do a rebrand where they are given creative flexibility, in many ways I think they are desperately trying to duplicate this result which is why they so often miss the point. The uniforms are polarizing, and they would probably rank lower than the logo. The uniforms are only important in this list in terms of how they translate from the logo to create a team's identity. Anyone who has lived in Seattle, like I have, looks at the colors in that logo and knows they are perfect for the city. Water, gray skies, green trees, and mountainscapes. It's perfect. The floating animal head, originally was modeled after a mask used by a native tribe. This logo is a bolder much more intimating version. This logo creates bold lines and strong features in empty space, which is incredibly challenging to do. As far as non-classic logos go, this one is as good as it gets.   

2. Pittsburgh Steelers
Creativity-4 Quality-2 Colors-4 Identity-5 Classic-5

This logo is the epitome of representing a region, city, and fans to perfection. The steel city, has it's Steelers. The logo is based on the Steelmark logo, less based and more so a slightly altered version of it. The team was given permission to use the logo and to change the word Steel to Steelers by the AISI. When it became popular to put logos onto helmets the team decided they would try it as well. However, they weren't positive they would like it, so whoever was in charge instructed the equipment manager to put the logo only on the right side of the helmets. The Steelers had their best season that year and decided to keep the helmets the way they were. The team uses the black and gold from this logo to create their uniforms. No city adopts a color scheme better than Pittsburgh. Black and gold is the city flag, it's coat of arms, and the colors of each of it's professional sports teams. Pittsburgh has even constructed or changed many of their bridges to match the official gold of the city. The logo itself isn't that great in terms of quality, but it's symbolism and identity for team and city are above every other logo in the NFL.

1. Oakland Raiders
Creativity-4 Quality-2 Colors-5 Identity-5 Classic-5

The Oakland Raiders do something on my list they haven't been doing a lot of lately, they win. Beating out the previous 3 by just one point, and only 4 points above 12th place. Like I said, there isn't a lot of separation. The one point difference maker is for colors. Football more than any other sport is about intimidation. There is no more intimidating look than the silver and black, a look the fans fully adopt. The #2 team and the Raiders had possibly one of the best, and most physical rivalries in sports in the 1970's. What added so much flair to it was the logos, colors, and uniforms. Weaker teams were downright scared of the Raiders. The black shield, the crossing swords, the Raider head with Raider helmet on is a timeless classic. The team has featured this logo since 1964, and before that it was simply the Raider head and swords. Essentially the team has had the same identity for it's entire existence. Go back and look at some of the logos teams had during that time period, like the rival Broncos. The fact they had a logo this cool then, and the fact it is that cool still today makes it no doubt #1 in my mind.

Like I said there isn't a lot of difference in the rankings between many of the top teams on this list. I could easily defend moving logos around and I'm sure that means there's a lot of disagreement as well. I'd love to hear what you think. Where was I right? Where was I way off? Who would your #1 team logo be? Comments and criticism are always welcome. As always thanks for reading!


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